Pure wholesale honey supply.

Quality Guaranteed.

Produced by our vast network of New Zealand honey bees and enjoyed by you.

We offer a full range of quality honey in good volumes for both domestic and export sales.

We supply all our honey varieties in packed or bulk form.

I’m interested in buying wholesale honey

New Zealand

Mānuka Honey

Mono floral and multi floral Mānuka.

MGO and UMF rated.

other New Zealand

Honey varieties

Kānuka Honey, Rātā Honey, Pōhutukawa Honey, Kāmahi Honey, Clover Honey, Thyme Honey, Rewarewa Honey, Honeydew Honey, and Tāwari Honey

We specialise in exporting high quality apicultural products worldwide. We never compromise quality for the price and always guarantee our honey is 100% pure and natural. All our honey is independently tested to the highest international standards including the strict criteria enforced by the European Union, the United States FDA and China’s CIQ.

We are an innovative company who is forward thinking and cares for the environment.

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