Meet our Mānuka honeyeater range

The Tūī Bird is unique to New Zealand and can be found throughout the three main islands. Belonging to the honeyeater family, the Tūī feeds on the nectar of many of the native trees and shrubs found within New Zealand’s pristine forests.
Derived from the full flavour of New Zealand’s famed Mānuka plants,our Tūī Bird Mānuka honey range is a firm favourite.
Product range

New Zealand Mānuka Honey
MGO 83+

New Zealand Mānuka Honey
MGO 83+

New Zealand Mānuka Honey
MGO 30+

New Zealand Mānuka Honey
MGO 30+

Honey of the Go
New Zealand Mānuka Honey MGO 83+
30 pack

Honey of the Go
New Zealand Mānuka Honey MGO 30+
30 pack